Sunday, September 21, 2008

Girly Weekend

Aunt Steph bought Megan's little purple fairy outfit for this years Halloween. Unfortunately when we tried it on... it was a little snug. It was in fact... skin tight! After laughing about her big tummy... we thought we should at least take a few pictures before traumatizing her when we took it off. It was darn cute... but I couldn't imagine trying to get it back on again.

Those little wings were so cute!

She had fun pulling apart the purple flowers outside her bedroom window.

She loves to dance!!!! She spins around and around... especially if she hears music!

Too bad this little fairy outfit didn't make the cut.
At least we had fun in it for a few minutes!
"Cutie Patootie"

"First Hair Cut"
Friday morning Megan and I finally went to get her first trim! We started the morning off with a mini pedicure... and then off to the salon. She likes having her toes painted... for now. The hair cut actually went great. She only fussed for a minute when she put her apron on... freaked her out! Shari came and played with her while I had mine cut too.

Her smile was back... just moments later.
She ate bites of eggo waffles while Chelle cut her hair. We decide to just trim her bangs!

"What a big girl"

Megan loved playing on the floor with crayons while I was getting mine cut too.

Ta-Da... We're all trimmed up!


The Watts Family said...

What a beauty! Love the jeans outfit she got her haircut in. I am coming in town next week (without the boys) I will call ya! Robyn

Whitlocks said...

She is quite the little fairy princess! Too cute. She looks so old getting her haircut. Hope you guys are having a great week.