Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A day in the life of Megan

"SNACK" has been echoing through our house for several months now! The girl loves to eat! This is a picture from Monday morning... a typical place to find Megan... in her seat... where she runs to sit down while you bring her her SNACK. She is a nut!

We've been doing pig tails all week... I put her "TIES"in... over and over... because she keeps pulling them out... and asking you to put them back in. She carries them around everywhere.

Potty training 101 has been okay. We've been doing it for about 10 days now... she either loves it... or hates it! She is so proud of herself when she tinkles in the potty... but when she doesn't want to sit there... you can forget it. She has good days and okay days... 5-8 times one day... then 2-3 times the next. (It doesn't help that she has a cold... and doesn't feel good)


We've been a bit behind returning our plastic bags to Publix!

"This one has something sticky on it!"

"These are all empty... where did all the SNACKS go?"

"Who needs leaves when you can play in grocery bags?"

"I think I can use this one for a purse!"

"Did we really have groceries in all these bags?"... YIKES!

"One can never have too many plastic bags!"... or can they?

Once we cleaned up all the bags... and took them to publix... to then purchase more food... and fill new bags... we came home to play play-doh! The girl loves the play-doh! We now have a nice turquoise spot on her beige carpet... oops... now we stick to the tile!!!!


Whitlocks said...

Those pig tails are hysterical. She looks so old and really cute. Hope potty training continues to go well. Keep the pictures coming. Miss you guys.

The Williams family said...

I love the sea of bags! I wish I were a kids again. :o)