Monday, March 9, 2009

Surprise!! I guessed wrong... It's definitely a BOY!

Well... Megan got to see the "baby movie" this morning. Kevin and I brought her to our 20 week check up today... and baby Birkett made HIS first DVD debut. She watched some of it... but also sat on Daddy's lap... wondered around the room... and ate snacks. She did great... but thought that my tummy had a "boo-boo" when the technician was doing the sonogram.

We got tons of pictures... but unfortunately my camera didn't want to take a picture of a picture very clearly today. Here is a shot of his little face. (so here are just a few) He was a busy little sucker. He was constantly moving... crossing his legs... putting his hands over his face... in his mouth... and flipping over.

Ta-Da! Kevin was playing with Megan when the technician said "and those are HIS BOY parts"... he didn't hear her at all. He was surprised too! Well... it's gonna take some getting use to... Megan is ALL girl... and I'm not familiar with these particular parts. Now it's time to really think of BOY names.


The Williams family said...

Congrats!! I am sure Megan will be excited about her baby brother when she meets him in person. Good luck on the boy names I think those are harder to pick out. Landon is very excited to hear that he will have another guy friend to play with in the nursery!

Whitlocks said...

I totally thought it would be a girl too. Apparently I'm really bad at guessing. Can't wait to find out the name. I think Timmy Tebow is still available. Miss you guys.

Julie said...

What a great surprise; congratulations! Boys are different, but ya'll will be awesome parents to your baby boy too!

The Watts Family said...

Yippee! How FUN! You will see that boys are the sweetest, especially when they become mommas boys (and I actually hear they are easier, at least at the young stages). Is Jake still out on the table? We have an outrageous amount of boy clothes. But I'm sure he will be spoiled with a new closet full like megan. Congrats