It's getting to be that time of year! I thought I'd get Megan primed up for her first Easter. We still have about a month... but when I saw these ears at Publix... I just couldn't resist. She really didn't know what to think of them. As always... she eventually wanted to stick them in her mouth. Megan is 10 months old today! I can't believe she will already be a year old in 8 weeks. The time has really hopped on by. (So to speak)
"What are these fuzzy things?"
Please... No more pictures!!!!!
Poor Ruger... I tried to use him as a prop to show Megan how to do it. He was a good sport... "way to lead by example Ruger" I think he was too humiliated to even move! He is always in it for a treat. Good Boy!
Megan found her little lamb today... "Have you ever seen anything this cute?" I thought the lamb was cute... until I saw her holding it. She was being so sweet!
Megan is growing up so fast! We've been waiting for her next teeth... she has had six teeth in for several weeks now... but seems to be getting more. She has been biting everything in site. Lots of new changes... teething... almost a full crawl... rocking around on all fours... drinking lots of water from sippy cup... and adding lots of new foods to her diet. This week we tried more cheese, cooked pears, ziti noodles, rice, cream corn, and tonight... spaghetti! She loves it all. She doesn't eat tons of it... but atleast she isn't spitting it out or throwing it all up. She has had a cold for a week... her first one... not bad for 9.5 mos. Unfortunately she got double ear infections... and her first antibiotic too. She has really been such a sweetheart. She loves to play!
Megan loves it outside! I was trying to get some new pictures of her... but she was more interested in eating the grass. She didn't want to look at the camera for me... so I just sat and watched her play. (Don't worry... she didn't get to eat any!)