Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's day weekend 2008

Last Friday afternoon Megan took Evan out for his first spin in her jeep wagon! They love it outside... especially bare footed. Evan's feet are so big! Megan kept putting hers up on the side by the cup holder. She loves to cross them at the ankles. Jen and I will have a lot more fun pulling them... after the Summer heat is gone! Winter rides with little jackets sound a little more fun. For those of you who aren't here... it feels like the face of the sun! I guess its only June... beautiful... but hot!

Kevin and I took Megan over to the beach for yet another weekend! It has been nice getting some fresh air. 3 out of 4 weekends is a good routine... I think. She is cracking us up lately. Megan is pretty much running around all over the place. She loves walking... but I think its the freedom more than anything. It was pretty cool... cause we were able to have some nice time just the three of us... and then spend a little play time at the pool with our great friends Eric, Mary, Alison, and Kate! They rented the condo just down from us for the entire week. The pool is a lot of fun... because its right on the inter coastal water.

Little Alison was throwing up off and on for a few days... yuck! Although... she did manage to have a few goofy laughs. She loves the water!

Megan is still hot and cold with the water. She did have a relaxing moment or two on her back... but likes sitting up and checking things out more. She is always "busy".

Daddy took Megan for a walk to the beach while I took the Drummond's family pictures in the sand. It was so sunny. I'm sure a few good pictures will emerge from the hundreds we took?

"Passing the time away"
Megan absolutely loves it on Kevin's shoulders... She is such a big girl up there.

Megan finally started chilling out on her float. She doesn't like the hood to the car float... wigs her out. We went to the pool 2-3 times a day... so she started to get use to it.

She is cracking us up lately with these expressions.
She loves going "Ohhh..." when she gets excited. She is a very animated kiddo.

It's tough to beat that smile!
She was running around all over the back porch...
all proud of herself for her new freedom on two feet.

Little Kate was protecting her bike from Megan.
Poor Alison was inside napping with her "bug".

Gammie came out for a visit on Monday afternoon. She took Megan outside to smell the flowers. She is so funny when she wrinkles her little nose up. The trees are in full bloom.

This is the tree outside Megan's bedroom window.

Megan is starting to warm up to her clifford slide... even though she likes to climb up the wrong side. She likes a little challenge.

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