Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breakfast with my baby girl... highlights of the week!

"Yummy in my silly Tummy"

This morning... I asked Megan what she wanted for breakfast... eggs or eggos? She said... "no this waffle" pointing to the eggos... "udder waffle" "no crunchy waffle"! ... so we decided to make homemade Belgian waffles. Yummy!

... after pouring in all the ingredients... and stirring it all up... the waffles were cooked and ready for LOTs of butter! "more butter"

She pretty much wants to do everything herself. "Ia-do-it"... so I figure... we might as well have fun with it. It was a nice morning with my baby girl... (while Jacob was still sleeping).
... next was Megan's favorite part!

SYRUP! "I-a get plenty"!

2 Month Dr's check up!
Monday ws Jake's 2 month check up! He did pretty good. Poor little guy ended up with a lot. He got 8 different immunizations. He didn't have any reactions to them... except the OUCH when they poked him!

Everything sounds good... and looks good! Little guy is growing up.
23 inches
11 lbs 9 oz

Saturday morning... Uncle Doug and Aunt Kristin met Jacob for the first time. They came down for the football game... and we went over for a quick breakfast spread before they headed off to the tailgate!

Friday, September 18, 2009

2 Months!

Jake is getting to be a BIG BOY!
8 weeks old!

He has been such a sweet baby! I'm having so much fun with him. He is generally really happy... and "go with the flow" for the most part. It's hard to believe he is growing so fast! It didn't feel this fast with Megan... although... I guess that's life with 2 kids.

"Could I be any cuter?"
I look a bit like my Pop (My Mommy's Daddy) in this picture!
I got his dimples!

"This bath time stuff is cozy!"

Our visit to Robyn's home in Savannah!

"2 peas in a pod"
We couldn't resist taking pictures of the boys in their matching PJ's!
They were all snuggled up together in the recliner. Too cute!

Oh... to be so tiny... what a life!

Megan, Jake and I dropped Daddy off at the airport on Tuesday for a business trip... and headed on to Savannah for the night.
We went to visit Robyn and her new baby boy Cohen.
He is 2.5 weeks now.

We took a walk down by the river!

Megan had a lot of fun with Isaac too!

... lots of fun on the boat in the sandbox!

Peek - a - boo!

The streets were pretty neat to walk down. Megan wasn't too keen on the stroller... so we weren't able to go in the shops much. Being 2 is tough sometimes!!!!

"A kid in a candy shop"

... temptation everywhere!

"hmmm.... I'll have that one"
only she really said...
"no... I need 6!"

... time to pack back up in the car and go to dinner.

I heard good things about this place... so we gave it a try.

It started off well... the kids were excited...
and then Megan finally melt down... and it was time to leave!!!!!
But at this point... they were still having fun!

The fries were plenty ketchup worthy!

"Holy Moly... was that not the BEST cheeseburger ever!"
... not so lady like... and Jake looked scared... but it was worth it!

Wednesday morning we got up for a great walk in the park!
We got real fruit smoothies and croissants for our picnic.
(Oh... and a big fat homemade snickerdoodle cookie too)

Jake loved being outside!

All Megan wanted to do was play on the playground.

Megan was checking out baby Cohen.
Robyn is a great Mom! I couldnt' believe her baby was only 2.5 wks... she has more energy than me!

The trees were beautiful! Very relaxing... other than chasing Megan around.

Megan liked the big fountain.

... she pushed baby brother back to the car.

Thanks for having us up for a visit Robby!
Tough to believe that after 20 years... we had baby boys at the same time.
Are we getting old? 20 years sounds like a lot!
I've been so blessed to have all these "baby boy friends born at the same time as Jacob"
Lots of fun to come!

Shell's birthday / Season kick off Tailgate

Happy Birthday Shell!
Gregg set up the driveway with a great tailgate for the first game of the season...
it was a lot easier then taking the kids and stuff all the way to the stadium.

(Samuel and Mommy on her birthday)

"make a wish"

Great burgers!
Lovin' the drummets!
Megan was into the jalapenos!

Little man slept through his first game day!

"Daddy's girl"

(look-a-like cousins)

Megan, Jake, and I headed home for the game... in the air conditioning and BED!
(Kev and the rest of the gang all went to the game)

These are just a few of the pictures I snapped around the house this week.
Silly boy... likes to sleep anywhere!

(snuggled up with Megan's stuffed turtle)

Last time in newborn PJ's... movin' up in size buddy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Boys Boys Boys

Cohen Daniel Watts

Robyn's baby boy is finally here too! It has been a busy August! Jake was born in July... and then he had 3 other baby boys to follow. Renae had "Eric"... then Robyn had "Cohen"... and then my cousin Christy had little "Johnny"!

Eric Matthew Nicolich...
came over for the afternoon yesterday to take newborn photos.
He was so precious. He slept most of the time. He is so tiny... he fit perfectly all wrapped up in the blanket basket. What a little cutie.

We are waiting for this tiny little friend to get bigger so he can play with Megan and Jake!

Renae is a great mommy!
She is working hard at taking care of this little guy.
3 weeks old on Saturday!

... tiny little miracle.

Go Gators!

After we took Eric's pictures... Jake woke up and wanted some too. He was a bit over stimulated and shocked with the camera flash... so the bug eyes were hilarious! Shari (grandma) really wanted some Gator pictures of her first grandson... so I took the opportunity to get some of Jake with him too.

I wonder what Jake was thinking?

"Dad's shoes... are you kidding me mom?"
"those are some big shoes to fill"
"What stinks?"

"am I too early for practice coach?"
"I'm little... but big for my age."
"I'm all heart!"

"Waaaaasssssss Uuuuuuuuuppp?"

... tiny Eric wants to play too!

"I may be small now... but one day I'm gonna grip this football with one hand... and maybe even slam dunk this basketball too!"