Thursday, September 11, 2008

"So Happy"... in the midst of sickness!

It has been a really rough week! My entire family has had some yucky bug... that is... everybody but Megan and I. Can you believe it... Kevin got it... and I didn't. I have on the other hand had one of the worst colds I've ever had. Between body aches... sneezing... coughing... separate rooms... more body aches... lots of "not" sleeping... then lots of sleeping... we have really had some fun times with this little one.

Megan is cracking us up. We've been noticing so many cool things lately. Kevin and I keep catching ourselves saying... "look"... "hurry"... "you've got to come see this"... cause she's doing something so cute... impressive... or goofy.

Here are some of our favorites:

"Little green bench"
We have a little green bench at the front door that she has recently decided is hers. She seems very proud that it's just her size. I'll be on the couch... and she just walks over and sets her milk cup down... turns around... and sits in the corner like a big girl. I don't know why we think it's so cute... she just sits there looking out the window at the grass... and especially loves to watch Daddy mow the grass. Yesterday... Kev was impressed when she decided to carry it into the family room... put it next to the couch... and just sat down next to us. She gives the cutest little "proud smile." When she was done... she carried back over to the window to put it away.

"Matching her footwear"
This morning... while I was getting ready for work... Megan was busy playing in my closet. She loves pulling shoes out for Kevin and I. It's one of her favorite "words" to say. She insists we put them on. She pulled out one of the oldest tennis shoes... brought it to Kevin... then wondered back in the closet for several minutes... and came out with the matching shoe! I couldn't believe it... it was buried at the bottom of the stack... and she dug it out. She is already matching her footwear. Too cool!

"Saying HAPPY":
Best "new word"... Happy. It rocks! When you are sick and tired... if you just look at her and ask... "are you happy?"... she says so cute... "Happy"... "Happy"... turns her head to the side and smiles so big! It is just about the best thing ever. It is my third favorite word after "Mommy" and "Daddy".
We are greatful for a HAPPY little girl!

Stacking with both hands:
Megan is stacking up a storm. She is really good at sitting and playing with her toys by herself. It's fun to sit back and watch her discover everything. She loves books... and especially checking out how things work. Recently we have noticed her stacking skills. For months she has loved taking them out of her bag... one at a time... then putting them back in. Now... she likes to stack 'em. She sometimes does it with her left hand... sometimes with the right... but mostly alternates them both. She starts clapping... and raising her arms... "so big"... when it gets high. This past Monday... she stacked 9 high... 2 times in a row. We were pretty excited too.

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