Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sleeping-Gators-Babies-and Birthdays!

(Jacob laying in the Cord-a-roy)

Well... we're napping all over the house these days! Jake is trying to decide if he wants to be swaddled or not. I'm a swaddle pusher... but he seems happier to just move around.
He swaddled fine for the first 5 1/2 weeks... but we've been experimenting these last 4 days.
He seems to do pretty good with his crib... where he needs to learn to sleep routinely... but he of course loves it everywhere else better...

... exhibit A...
on a warm body!
(Jen looks cozy too)

"Mini- Cheerleader"

Friday night we took the kids to meet "the alligators"
... which Megan would say... "alligators bite you?" and...
"chomp chomp"...
so we had to explain they were big stuffed animals.
She lit right up to the dazzlers! She really seemed to love it!

She was a bit shy at first... but warmed up to Alberta.
Her last pic with her she was 1 month old.
She started blowing kisses to her by the time we left.

"Jake's first pic with Albert the Alligator"
He slept through the whole thing.

(the two boys with the shiny ladies)
Samuel was loving it!

The girls were so cute! (the ones 5yrs and under)
Livy has the greatest smile.

Kev introduced Jake to Tim Tebow... sort of. (not much to say... hehe)
... just a poster... but Jake waved hi anyway.

(this ones for you Jimmy...)
Our friend Jimmy liked holding his baby up in random places... he would especially approve of Tim's hands... they love the Gators... and if given the opportunity... might have even let him actually toss Isaac. (with the right reciever of course)

Go Gators!

... Gammie and her lil' Gator girl Livy

Snug as a bug!

So... he seems to be doing really good in footie pj's. He did awesome the first night!!!!!... and below average the second night... then better again the third night. I think the success of the night has more to do with GAS than the being wrapped up or not. He is pretty much happy if he can just fart and burp... "can you say boy?"


Look at the proud Grandma's! Mom and Shari had fun showing off their grand-kids at Evan's birthday party. Look how tiny! It will be fun over the next few months when we can get them together more... they will have fun growing up together... just like their Mommie's.

Baby Eric is soooo tiny! He is only 2 weeks old... and Jacob is 6 weeks!


I got to finally hold baby Eric... and Renae snuggled Jake.
Check out our babies... all in stripes!
Eric was fun to hold... so light!
Jake will work your arm out a bit more.

Birthday boy!

Megan's friend Evan turned 2 this week!
We went over to his house for a family birthday celebration.
Uncle Chris loves to play!

Time to open presents!
Megan wanted to check them out too!

I made him a basketball cake for the big #2!
Megan showed up in Jacob's future b-ball uniform to dress in theme! (I can't believe it fit!)
She was eying the cake pretty hard!

Yum Yum

"Dads on cake feeding duty!"

It was great getting together again.
Between vacations and birthin' babies... it's been a while!
Thanks for having us out Jen!

1 comment:

Whitlocks said...

Love the pictures in all the gator gear. Especially Jake and Tebow. Jimmy laughed when he read it. Glad you and Renae are getting out with your little ones and getting to have some fun too.